Bypassing Gmail Virus Scanner ::"VIRUS DETECTED", error message
Now most of the time when you are going to share the files over mail to your friend or someone. you face the issue that gmail can't attach the file with mail because it may contain virus or spam or will be given the option for sending the mail without attachment. why basically it happens because google has automated its own email checking bot type virus scanner, which scans for the threats in the files that you are sending and if it finds any malicious content that can harm the users system environment it will block it from sending. in order send your mail without getting it detected by gmail Virus scanner. what to do bypass scanner is just follow the steps.. 1. Open the file in winzip or gzip file compressor. 2. Compress it with the password. (even with the password one time compressed file can be detected by gmail scanner..) 3. Take the compressed file and compress it again. (just to be sure...) 4. now attach the double compressed fi...