Connecting WIFI from terminal or Recovery on Debian system
Connecting to the wifi:- Here in this post we are going to talk about how one can connect their system to the wireless network available in their vicinity. To do so, start the network manager that will cofigure the /etc/resolv.conf file for dns, Most of the people face the issue of can not find resolv.conf or can not resolve the host about which we are going to talk in the post later. provided, follow the steps to connect to wifi and PING just to be sure that your packets are getting transmitted and being recieved at the other side. write the following commands at the terminal in the sequence... STEPS:- term@terminal:~$ sudo ifconfig -a //this will give you all the NIC //available for your pc. lets say your wireless adapter is 'wlp0' term@terminal:~$ sudo ifconfig wlp0 up //setting the adapter to up and listening term@terminal:~$ sudo iwlist wlp0 scanning //this wi...