Placements: SQL Advance join (Hackerrank Problem)
You are given three tables: Students, Friends and Packages. Students contains two columns: ID and Name. Friends contains two columns: ID and Friend_ID (ID of the ONLY best friend). Packages contains two columns: ID and Salary (offered salary in $ thousands per month).
Write a query to output the names of those students whose best friends
got offered a higher salary than them. Names must be ordered by the
salary amount offered to the best friends. It is guaranteed that no two
students got same salary offer.
from (select S.ID si,S.Name sn,P.Salary ps from Students S join Packages P on S.ID=P.ID) temp1 join (select FF.ID fi,FF.Friend_ID fd,PP.Salary pps from Friends FF join Packages PP on FF.Friend_ID=pp.ID) temp2 on and<temp2.pps
order by temp2.pps asc;
from (select S.ID si,S.Name sn,P.Salary ps from Students S join Packages P on S.ID=P.ID) temp1 join (select FF.ID fi,FF.Friend_ID fd,PP.Salary pps from Friends FF join Packages PP on FF.Friend_ID=pp.ID) temp2 on and<temp2.pps
order by temp2.pps asc;
As the problem states that we have to select the name of the friend whose salary is lesser than what his/her friend is having. To do so, we have 3 tables called Students (ID,Name), Friends(ID,Friend_ID) and Packages(ID,Salary), we are going to join Students with Packages such that we will have a view tha what each student is getting based on their ID. after doing the first join, name it temp1 table we are going to perform another join operation on table Friends and Packages based on Friend_ID and ID which in turn will give us the table with id,Friend_Id and Salary based on Friend ID, name it as Temp2. finally we are going to perform join operation on table Temp1 and Temp2 based on ID of Temp1 and Temp2 and where Temp1.salary<Temp2.salary which will give us the list of the names of students having their salary lesser than their friends, finally order it based on the based salary in ascending order. and you're done. :)
Don't forget to check my other blogs based on sql, android development and somewhat of security and recovery field.
Hope this will help you and if you're having any query regarding the SQL you can post id down below i will get back to as soon as possible. thank you. have a nice day... :)
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