The Occupation: hackerrank problem
Problem Statement: Pivot the Occupation column in OCCUPATIONS so that each Name is sorted alphabetically and displayed underneath its corresponding Occupation . The output column headers should be Doctor , Professor , Singer , and Actor , respectively. Note: Print NULL when there are no more names corresponding to an occupation. Table: 'OCCUPATIONS' table contain the column 'Name' and 'Occupation' Solution: select doc,prof,singer,act from ( select row_number() over(partition by Occupation order by Name) ron,Name as n,Occupation as o from OCCUPATIONS ) pro pivot (max(n) for o in ('Doctor' as doc,'Actor' as act,'Professor' as prof,'Singer' as singer)) order by ron asc; Explanation: in the above query statement i am using row_number() function with the 'partition by' clause to append one column that contains row_number for each row in the subquery. in the subquery while assigning row_number() we...